Монолог, Велика сцена

На слици: Сцена; Фотографија:

На слици: Сцена; Фотографија:

Ја сам грозан човек, алкохоличар, тј. бивши алкохоличар, хоћу рећи, од ономад.

Тукао сам је, вређао, поткрадао, варао…

Али, пре неки дан сам се очевим гробом заклео и обећао јој да нећу више ни кап лизнути и, видите, не само да ме није напустила, већ ми безусловно верује, и још вели: „Господару, стално се на мене љутиш… Али се никада не наљутиш. То је тако великодушно“

(…А у башти су послуживали слатко од вишања)

23 thoughts on “Монолог, Велика сцена

      • She was a middle class girl
        She was in over her head
        She thought she would
        Stand up in the deep end

        He had a bullet proof smile
        He had money to burn
        She thought she had the moon
        In her pocket

        But now she’s dead
        She’s so dead
        Forever dead and lovely now

        I’ve always been told to
        Remember this…
        Don’t let a fool kiss you
        Never marry for love

        He was hard to impress
        He knew everyone’s secrets
        He wore her on his arm
        Just like jewelry

        He never gave but he got
        He kept her on a leash
        He’s not the kind of wheel
        You fall asleep at

        But now she’s dead
        Forever dead
        Forever dead and lovely now

        Come closer, look deeper
        You’ve fallen fast
        Just like a plane on a
        Stormy sea

        She made up someone to be
        She made up somewhere to be from
        This is one business in the
        World where that’s no
        Problem at all

        Everything that is left
        They will only plow under
        Soon every one you know
        Will be gone

        And now she’s dead
        Forever dead
        Forever dead and lovely now

        Now she’s dead
        Forever dead
        Forever dead and lovely now

        I’ve always been told to
        Remember this…
        Don’t let a kiss fool you
        Never marry for love

        Everything has its price [2x]
        What’s more romantic
        Then dying in the moonlight?

        Now they’re all watching the sea
        What’s lost can never be broken
        Her roots were sweet
        But they were so shallow

        And now she’s dead
        Forever dead
        Forever dead and lovely now

        And now she’s dead
        Forever dead
        And she’s so dead and lovely now

        Свиђа се 1 person

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